Sunday, September 6, 2020
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Dear Peggy and Family, It was with great sadness that I learned about Dick’s passing. My wife and I send our deepest condolences to all of you. Dick and I were in the same class at what was at that time Concordia Teachers College in River Forest, Illinois. We were on the same floor as freshmen, Second Krauss. We were friends from the start and Dick easily made friends with everyone because of his quiet but sincere manner. He was liked by everyone. I am happy to also have the memories of our seeing him and meeting you at our Class’s 50th reunion in 2016. It was special to relive so many memories of our days together. Here’s a moment of lightness. On the Sunday in 1966 when my wife and I were engaged, a group of friends and floormates hosted a surprise “bachelor party” in my honor. I was dragged from my room in an undershirt. For whatever reason, Dick had on a coat and tie. The picture shows me with Dick (toasting with a bottle of Pepsi) right beside me. The things you remember about someone you truly admired: Dick’s many talents, his grace and charm, and to this day, the only person I ever met who was born in New Hampshire. May your memories of Dick and knowing how much he was loved by others whose lives he touched bring you comfort in all the days ahead. God’s peace be with you all. Norm Hellmers, Concordia Chicago, 1966.